Get Rid of PCOS

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal condition that affects a substantial number of women in their reproductive – age. PCOS is characterized by irregular or extended menstrual periods, as well as elevated levels of the male hormone androgen. The ovaries may create a significant number of small fluid collections (follicles) yet fail to release eggs on a consistent basis.


PCOS’s actual cause is not evident. Early detection and treatment, as well as weight loss, can help to lower the risk of long-term problems like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Reach out to the best treatment for PCOD to control it immediately.


The signs of PCOS:


Around the time of puberty’s first menstrual period, PCOS signs and symptoms commonly occur. PCOS can develop later in life as a result of severe weight gain, for example.


PCOS manifests itself in a variety of ways. PCOS is diagnosed when you have at least two of the symptoms listed below.


Abnormal periods:


Infrequent, irregular, or extended menstrual cycles are the most typical symptom of PCOS. You might have less than nine periods per year, a period interval of more than 35 days, or particularly heavy periods, for example.


Excess levels of androgen:


Symptoms of high male hormone levels include excessive facial and body hair (hirsutism), severe acne, and male-pattern baldness.


Polycystic ovaries: 


It’s possible that your ovaries are enlarged, with follicles around the eggs. As a result, the ovaries may become dysfunctional (may not function properly).


PCOS in people who are overweight tend to get severe signs. 


Although there is no treatment for pcos, there are various ways to reduce or eliminate symptoms and feel better. Symptoms such as irregular periods, acne, excess hair, and increased blood sugar may be treated with a variety of medications recommended by your doctor. 


Fertility therapies are offered to assist women in conceiving a child. Women with PCOS can benefit from losing as little as 5% of their excess weight to help them ovulate more consistently and relieve other symptoms. Nutrition and exercise are the best ways to achieve this.


You may believe that losing weight and keeping it off is difficult, but it is critical to persevere. Your efforts aid in lowering the chance of major health complications, which can strike women with PCOS considerably sooner than women without the condition. 


Diabetes, heart disease, and stroke are the most serious health issues, as PCOS is connected to high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and high cholesterol.


There are few tips that can help in the best way to cure pcod. Few of them include:


Birth Control Pills:


By reducing testosterone levels and preserving the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) from aberrant cell proliferation, this is a typical medication for regulating periods and limiting unwanted hair growth and acne. Endometrial cancer can be reduced by regulating your hormones.


Pills that contain estrogen and progesterone reduce androgen production while also regulating estrogen. Older birth control tablets are preferred over newer birth control pills because they have a decreased risk of deadly blood clots.


A skin patch or vaginal ring with a combination of estrogen and progesterone may be preferable to pills.


Avoid sugar intake:


Eating too much sugar, sweet drinks, and dessert meals is by far the leading cause of insulin resistance. If you have insulin resistance, your body does not handle significant blood sugar surges as well as someone who does not have insulin resistance.


This means that each time you eat a sugary snack, your body becomes more insulin resistant. Insulin resistance leads to more weight gain, severe acne and hair problems, and decreased fertility.


To begin, eliminate sugar from your diet until your insulin response returns to normal.


Reduce carbohydrates and starch:


When you eat substantial amounts of starchy, refined carbs like bread, pasta, potatoes, and rice, your blood sugar levels respond similarly to the sugary foods we discussed before. Once you’ve successfully eliminated sugar from your diet, gradually reduce your carbohydrate intake while increasing your intake of healthy fats and proteins.


For most women, fully eliminating carbohydrates from their diet is not a good idea. Instead, for PCOS, a good strategy is to eat a low-carbohydrate breakfast and lunch (as well as snacks if you prefer to eat them) and a moderately-high-carbohydrate evening.


Eating a little portion of starch at night replenishes your liver’s glycogen storage, allowing you to relax and sleep better.


Productive sleep cycle:


When you don’t get enough sleep, your cortisol levels can rise, which isn’t good. You may manage your hormonal fluctuations to some extent by sticking to a rigorous sleep pattern. Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep to undertake PCOD best treatment at home. Yes, the old adage “early to bed, early to wake” can be helpful here.


Losing the extra:


One of the most serious adverse effects of PCOS in women is obesity. As part of your PCOS therapy at home, you can maintain your health and decrease weight. Apart from eating a healthy weight-loss diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and beverages that help reduce PCOS, it would also be beneficial if you exercised regularly to keep your weight under control. 


You will notice a significant improvement in your health if you acquire the appropriate weight for your body mass and height.


Eating in a 12 hour window:


Intermittent fasting for long periods of time is not recommended for women with hormonal disorders such as PCOS, according to experts. This is because protracted durations of fasting have been linked to a worsening of hormone imbalance in women.


If you have insulin resistance, a ‘soft fast,’ in which you eat within a 10- to 12-hour window, may help. Breakfast at 8 a.m. and your last meal at 6 p.m. could be an example. This manner of eating not only allows your body to go longer without producing insulin, but it also eliminates any protracted intervals of not eating, which can cause irregular ovulation or even ovulation shutdown.


Using these simple home treatments, you may effectively control the effects of PCOS on your body. As there is no permanent pcos treatment, you should concentrate on treating the symptoms. Consult a dietitian because each woman’s body will react to increasing androgen levels differently. Follow your doctor’s advice and make any required lifestyle modifications to restore balance. PCOS is a hormonal disease that does not cause harm if you follow the health guidelines.


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