Third Wave of Coronavirus in India Affecting Children

These are strange times. Not many of us would have predicted that this would be our reality, yet here we are. Out there is a pandemic, and a year and a half since we first heard about the virus, we still keep our fight continuing against it. This is already a time that is halfway through 2021.

As we can see, coronavirus’ latest update – Delta plus variant is that it continues to be the highly dreaded virus it always has been. COVID-19 can be brutal on the body but it is also important to keep your sanity intact during these tough times. Especially that of children as this too comes under coronavirus precaution. To safeguard against the third wave, we only need to take, in general, the precautions that were asked of us during the other waves of COVID-19.

Picture yourself to be a school-goer. We hope you remember the times that you were one. While you must have looked forward to your regular holidays, we are sure that you yearned to go back to your school, play in the dust of your schools’ PT ground(s), in a matter of few days since your holidays’ beginnings. COVID-19, and this wave in particular affects this school-going part of school-going children. Is the third wave going to be any different? Not quite. It’s another wave of coronavirus disease, after all.

Does COVID-19 affect children in this third wave?

Third Wave Covid-19 affecting Children

Covid-19 affecting Children

Going by the trends and the data of the waves thus far, even though children are not in fact immune to coronavirus disease, mostly it is minimal symptoms that are seen. In some cases, children have turned out to be completely asymptomatic. With this said, it is important to keep in mind that children are still vulnerable to the impacts this virus can leave on a body, and that not every child is going to turn out asymptomatic.

Is sore throat a sign of the third wave of coronavirus infection?

Although symptoms can vary from one person to another, a COVID-19 infection is typically still associated with a sore throat and a loss of taste. Before the other symptoms are seen, it is important to know the common throat infection symptoms:

  • Scratchiness
  • Burning sensation
  • Feeling a sense of rawness
  • Dryness
  • Tender throat
  • Throat irritation
  • Glands in the neck swelling
  • Swallowing troubles
  • Cough
  • Voice turning hoarse

What could the other symptoms of the third wave of coronavirus disease be?

As with waves one and two, according to the World Health Organization, these are the symptoms to be expected:

  • Fever
  • Cough (sore throat)
  • Fatigue of the body

Indeed, shortness of breath is to be expected, as it has been an inseparable part of the second wave. Along with shortness of breath, which can be dealt with using a proning position correctly, these are to be the symptoms too:

  • Terrible headache
  • Body pain
  • Chills throughout the body
  • Runny nose
  • Stuffy nose
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • A total or a near loss of smell or taste

While children are expected to be affected not all that much by the third wave, we must note that associated with coronavirus disease are some fungal diseases.

Black fungus

As of now, mucormycosis has emerged as a great threat and one that has been underestimated so far. These are why the black fungus outbreak is caused according to medical experts:

Unchecked blood sugar levels
Steroids’ abuse during the treatment of COVID-19
Excess antibiotics

The symptoms of black fungus include:

  • Blocked nasal passage
  • Bleeding
  • Nasal discharge
  • Facial pain
  • Swelling
  • Sense of numbness
  • Blurry vision
  • Double vision
  • Watery eyes

To protect yourself from the menace of black fungus during this wave and the third wave, do the following:

  • Ensure top hygiene is followed
  • Maintain thorough oral hygiene
  • Use steroids only in a limited manner
  • Avoid excessive usage of antibiotics
  • Stay indoors but workout your body
  • Avoid dusty regions
  • Avoid gardening activities

White fungus

White fungus is when multiple perforations are found in the intestine (throughout). This fungal outbreak is more common in rural India, for it is transported by dust, hay, and other particles such as them. It is a pre-existing disease and one that isn’t as dangerous as mucormycosis, which can be fatal.

Symptoms of white fungus:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin lesions
  • White patches (oral cavity)

To protect yourself from white fungus, follow:

Maintenance of your immune system
Keep your surroundings free from dust

Yellow fungus

Unlike white fungus, yellow fungus is clinically considered fatal. This is a disease that starts internally, and is hard to detect for its symptoms can stealthily miss the eye.

Yellow fungus is caused by:

  • Steroids abuse
  • Environment contamination
  • Diabetes that is uncontrolled
  • Lack of hygiene
  • Compromised immunity
  • Comorbidities

You are likely experiencing yellow fungus if you face the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy, fatigue
  • Lack of appetite
  • Rapid loss of weight
  • Sunken eyes

Is there a way to prevent yellow fungus? Sure there are. You can protect yourself from yellow fungus by:

  • Maintaining good hygiene
  • Keeping surroundings in a clean state
  • Removing stale food from your kitchen
  • Keep your levels of humidity between 30% and 40%

We believe that it goes without saying that you should, in fact, get yourself vaccinated at the earliest. This is one of the most assured ways of dealing with the incoming third wave.

Vaccination for Coronavirus

Vaccination for Covid-19

People in India have gasped for their breaths in the second wave, and to avoid such a scenario, vaccination is key.

How to help your children suffering from covid anxiety?

Although experts predict that children won’t particularly be affected by the third wave, it is important to understand the mental toll this pandemic has been having on them (on us all, in fact).

Indian Academy of Pediatrics has come out, recommending guidelines in dealing with this uniquely dreadful situation, stemming from the old and the new and newer covid strains alike.

Calming inquisitive and anxious children

Ask them something along the lines of a “how are you?” Trust us, for this can do wonders. Ask them if anything concerns them additionally. In essence,

Be open in your discussions with them, and keep them appropriate to their age
Empathy is of paramount importance. feel their emotions, their twitches on their faces, and, well, empathize.

Give them reassurance that things will definitely be okay soon. These are never-seen-before crisis times. Yes, we’ve been in apocalyptic times for a while, but positivity helps.
Instruct them the usual — wearing masks, washing hands, limiting interactions, maintaining social distance — and follow the instructions you give.

How to maintain a healthy life indoors in this and the upcoming COVID-19 wave?

Having an intent

You and your children must keep thinking about the purpose of every single day and work to live them the best you can.

Staying in touch with others

Friendly connections virtually with family, and well-wishers go a long way in maintaining mental health.

Get physical

When you get time, play a game or two. Sweat it out. It’s good for everyone in your family.

Ensuring a healthy sleep cycle

The old adage of early to bed and early rise is now more relevant than ever before. Follow these things and together, we shall swim the tides of Covid waves.


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